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the voter token

BLOCKCHAIN VOTINGVoting is one of the most important ways of ensuring that fair and diplomatic decisions are being made. Without voting, people would not be able to have a say on certain decisions and proposed changes. However, there are certain flaws with the current voting system that blockchain can solve.
ANONYMITYPeople want privacy when voting and don’t always want others to know who or what they voted for. Blockchain allows for anonymity when voting. As with transactions on the blockchain, voters can use their public keys to keep themselves anonymous. They can then vote in the system without the worry of others knowing how they voted. Having the ability to guarantee anonymity might then encourage more people to take part in and use the voting system.
SECURITYOne of the most important factors of voting is security. Currently, voting systems are very open to hacks. Without substantial security mechanisms in place, malicious actors can enter the system and alter the outcome. This is where blockchain comes in. The technology has the ability to introduce a seemingly unhackable system. All votes could be verified as soon as voting is finished to ensure they are all counted correctly. An attacker who wanted to cast the same vote twice would need to take command of 51% of the computers in the network simultaneously and rewrite the entire history of each vote on the blockchain in a short time frame, which is exceedingly difficult. Since the network is widely distributed, it could survive a natural disaster or an attack on critical infrastructure. Thus, blockchain prevents double-voting, enabling us to run secure, trustworthy online transactions including voting.
INSTANT PROCESSINGCurrent voting systems often take time to collate and process answers. Often when voting stations are in different areas and offices are not all together, it can be difficult to gather all the information quickly and efficiently. This then leads to time and cost issues. But blockchain can transform all of this. Instead of having to wait for a large number of people to communicate manually, all organisers will be able to see the outcome instantly on the blockchain. Results can be gathered and processed quickly and straight after the voting has finished.
TRANSPARENCY AND TRUSTAs citizens, we can trust the outcome of a Blockchain voting system: voters can check the blockchain to verify that their vote was counted correctly, candidates can trust the vote count and election officials can verify and audit the results. Because the system is decentralized, no government or hacker can change the results without immediate detection.
VOTER PARTICIPATIONUsing blockchain technology, online voting could boost voter participation and help restore the public’s trust in the electoral process and democracy. Through Blockchain instant incentives can be programmed and sent to participating users that include but not limited to value based tokens.
ONE VOTE ONE COUNTThe good news is that building a workable, scalable, and inclusive online voting system is now possible, thanks to blockchain technologies. A blockchain is a peer-to-peer network for exchanging anything of value, from stocks, money, intellectual property, and, yes, votes. In a blockchain-based system, public trust in the voting process is achieved not by faith in one single institution, but through cryptography, code, and collaboration among citizens, government agencies, and other stakeholders.
PATENT NUMBER 11961336This Blockchain process is Patented Documents - Application - Patent Center - USPTO
NFT ORIGIN ETHEREUM ADDRESSThe NFT Origin Address is as follows and is embedded in the Patent Application within the Abstract. 0x7beaD10F8dE9fFd99A0E897840D6105BBBC1184f
Why Blockchain Voting
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